Menopause Hot Flashes

3 Unusual Tips to Cool Down During Hot Flashes

It’s difficult to be around others when you’re having a hot flash, not only because all you want is to crawl into a cubbyhole, but it’s isolating being the only one having the experience. Here are two possible out-of-the-box thinking solutions that you could try:

Fruits And Vegetables

It is said that Japanese women don’t get hot flashes. Why not? Although no one knows for sure, most likely it has to do with the high vegetable and fruit consumption in their diet. Some research studies mention that in Japan it’s common to eat 17 servings a day, which is so much more than what we eat here in the United States. Because fruits and vegetables are active metabolically in the body, it’s perfectly logical that some of the phytochemicals are also phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens mimic estrogen in the body, replacing it if your levels are too low.
So try it. Try doubling your consumption of vegetables from, say, three servings a day to six. Then try upping it to 9. One of the quickest ways to quadruple your vegetable servings is to start juicing. For example, one pound of carrots is equal to one cup of carrot juice, and would provide at least 5 servings with just that one drink. Added to your three servings per day now, you’d have 8 servings. Another glass of tomato, celery, carrot, parsley, cilantro and bell pepper juice would give you another 5 servings. Now you’re up to 13 servings. It’s easier than you may think to increase your phytoestrogen levels in the body.


Try to reset your brain’s thermostat with cryotherapy. This is a hypothetical solution. Cryotherapy is the application of cold packs or cold to the body to obtain a therapeutic result. However, we’re not talking about cold packs here. Instead, the definition of cryotherapy here is an industrial sized cryotherapy chamber that you walk into. Literally, it’s like an icebox – well, really, two of them hooked together. With mittens and socks, shoes, ear and head protection and gym clothes, you can walk into the cryotherapy pre-chamber to get accustomed to the cold for 30 seconds. Then when the time is up, you walk into the second deep freeze chamber, with temperature set at -65 degrees Fahrenheit. You walk around in circles once inside, and then after 2-1/2 minutes, you’re finished and push the heavy door open to get out.
During those few minutes, your brain has to recalibrate the temperature of your environment and reset the brainstem’s temperature regulation center. You then ride a stationery bike for 10 minutes so the increased blood circulation gets to the areas of the body that need additional nutrients for healing. This method is one that top athletes use to quickly heal their injuries.
Resetting your thermostat may take a series of these sessions, but during them, you are clearly sending a message to your body to reset the set point. I’ve had a chance to do these myself and the results are truly amazing for many aspects of health.

Femme Youth

Femme Youth is a unique combination of vitamins and minerals, it helps to remove all the symptoms of menopause.
Effectively supports women's health. Eliminates mood swings. Restores full female vitality. It supports youth at the cellular level.
Femme Youth removes hot flashes, fatigue, and mood swings. Delays skin aging, protecting its firmness and elasticity. It restores libido. While using Femme Youth supplement the woman feels healthy and vibrant.


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