Can Menopause Cause Headaches?

What’s the Deal With Menopause Headaches?

Can Menopause Cause Headaches?
If you are in perimenopause and have a whole host of symptoms, you might be of the opinion that the whole menopause process is a headache!
And really, it is. Hormone-related headaches can prove to be seriously debilitating, affecting every aspect of life from work to your social life.
Hormone headaches or even migraine can affect women from their very first period onwards, myself included. I could predict the start of my period knowing that it would be precisely 24 hours after the headache started.
Menopause can mean a reduction in severity or even an end to headaches and migraine linked to fluctuating hormones. But for many women, menopause can see the issue worsening, especially if they previously suffered with menstruation-related headaches, or they may suffer with headache and/or migraines for the first time.
There are actually three types of headache menopause can worsen or trigger.

Types of Headaches

Migraines are a severe headache, often accompanied by visual disturbances and nausea. The pain usually starts on one side of the head or behind the eyes and throbs.
Stress or tension headaches are generally not as intense as migraine but can still be quite painful. You may feel pain or tightness across the forehead and/or the back of the head and neck.
Sinus headaches typically cause pain in the face and/or forehead, as this is where the sinus cavities are located. Sinus headaches are usually caused by infection or inflammation.

Hormone Headache Treatment


Obviously, you could replace or regulate the hormones creating havoc with your head (and the rest of your body!)
Speak to your doctor about HRT (hormone replacement therapy). They will almost certainly be able to allay any fears you have about starting HRT and you may be surprised at the number of different types and delivery systems available.
If you are already on HRT, tell your doctor if you have started to get headaches or they have worsened in intensity or frequency. It might be that you would be better off with a different delivery system.
Patches or gels are generally thought to be best for menopause headaches as they keep hormone levels more stable than tablets.
If you find you have developed migraines, your doctor may be able to prescribe specific drugs to lessen or stop the pain. These are different than straightforward painkillers, which can actually cause a headache themselves if taken frequently.

Look at Your Diet

Try changing the way you eat — frequent small meals or smaller meals plus regular healthy snacks like a handful of dried fruit or nuts can often be better than three large meals a day because of the way eating can affect blood pressure.
Common food triggers for headache or migraine include alcohol (especially red wine), chocolate, caffeinated products, cheese (especially the aged type) and dairy products (which can also create sinus problems for some people).

Femme Youth Dietary Supplement

Femme Youth is a supplement for women who are going through menopause and are looking for an effective way to mitigate the symptoms. The product features a combination of potent and powerful vitamins and minerals that are able to target the symptoms of menopause so that you can get through your day and night much more easily. Further, dissimilar to other products on the market, this one goes a step further and provides you with support for your general health by restoring vitality and youthfulness at your cellular level.

Get Active

Exercise can help too! Just be sure to avoid sudden high impact stuff, always warm up and cool down, and aim for 30 minutes of exercise three or four times a week. Exercise produces “feel good” chemicals so it will help with any anxiety or stress.

Alternative Therapies

Acupuncture and acupressure therapies can be helpful in combatting headaches, and many people swear by nutritional supplements. Vitamin B-2 and magnesium are known for headache prevention, and vitamin D and co-enzyme Q10 may help too.

Control Stress and Anxiety

If stress or anxiety is causing headaches or making them worse, consider learning some biofeedback skills, cognitive behavioral therapy or relaxation techniques.
Check online, on local noticeboards or speak to your doctor or therapist about the best place to find practitioners.


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