My Menopause Symptoms Are Making Me Crazy! How Can I Manage Them?

Menopause is a normal stage of life for women; yet, why do they fear it? Is it the symptoms a woman fears? Could it be the end of their fertility that sends them into distress? How about the anxiety of how to manage all of this change? For each woman, their fear may be different. For this post, you will learn the symptoms of menopause and how to manage them. SYMPTOM № 1: HOT FLASHES This is the most frequent symptom a women experiences. What causes a hot flash is unknown, but is speculated to be related to vascular instability, stress, spicy foods, caffeine, or alcohol. During a hot flash, a woman feels a sensation of intense heat which can lead to a sweating and a flushed face. Hot flashes vary among women. Their frequency, duration, and severity are not the same from one woman to the next. HOW CAN I MANAGE HOT FLASHES? Most women are able to manage hot flashes through hormone replacement therapy. However, women who have had hormone positive breast cancer are recommended not...